Book Covers: The Whys behind the Whats (Reasons for Design Decisions)

I design ways of communicating a message visually, for tangible outputs. That’s my job, summarily. It so happens that, while a contractor, I’ve usually done this with logos. Branding a company (or re-branding it) brings its own kind of satisfaction. The company’s not mine, but like its owners and...

How to read signs when you can’t read words (A look at Visual Communication methods)

Imagine what you would do if you woke up one day and couldn’t read. Letters on shop signs were nonsense to you. The words of your favourite novel were inane markings, no more rational than scratches on a fence. I didn’t have to imagine it. And that’s how my intrigue...

Networking: the Dark Side of Freelancing

Freelancers work in isolation. I’m not in a studio, or an office block. I’m not rubbing shoulders with other designers. There’s just me. Usually, I love it that way. It’s comfortable. But it does leave me short-resourced — I need to ‘network’ to find collaborators with complementary skills, like...

To Blog or Not to Blog? (My Examination of Motive)

I might quit blogging. It might be a good thing. A healthy thing. There have been a variety of reasons for my blogging, across the timeline, but right now there’s no other reason than this: I’ve published a blog post every week since June last year. That’s not even a...

Thus and Therefore

Thus and Therefore