Not an inspiring start
Day One of my maternity leave does not bode well for the next five weeks. I’m so bored my heart rate is approaching cryogenic levels.
I’d expected to feel bored at some point, before Bump arrived. I just didn’t expect it immediately upon arriving home from my last shift at the library, yesterday.
To make things worse, the weather this week has been miserable. There seems to be a direct link between the colour of the sky, and my energy/motivation to do anything productive. I have a pile of library books — theoretically to keep me entertained — but because the weather is so morose, I can’t motivate myself to read them. Or even to pick them up off the floor.
I could do the dishes, a menu plan for upcoming dinners, tidy the living room (or any other one), or clean something…but I just don’t have it in me.
Yet I have the audacity to say I’m bored. Yes, I do.
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